Portfolio Website

Custom Responsive Website Design

My Role: UX/UI, Designer/Developer


I had an opportunity to work on a custom portfolio website of a techie manager, based in Seattle. I have hands-on experience working on a responsive website using Webflow. This website is designed/developed/tested on iMac, Macbook Pro, iPad and IPhones all by myself.


Design and build a portfolio website.


This was my freelance project for a manager working for Amazon.

My Role

Research, UX, UI, Developer


6 weeks (Oct 2021 - Nov 2021)


1. The existing website was developed long time ago. The design did not show in any way that the client is an expert in AI and Machine Leaning.

2. The website had Information Architecture and Discoverability issues.

3. The website was not easy to use.


1. The landing page has info about the client and his interests specifically in AI and Machine Learning. I created a header image which has an impact and works cohesively with the client as a brand.

2. The website users are able to find relevant information about the client quickly.

3. The website is easy to use. It is also a responsive website and offers an optimized browsing experience.
4. The new typography has improved readability.


I worked with the client in all the phases of development.
I also developed this website using Webflow.

The website underwent several rounds of iterations before it was published.


Business Goals

1. The goal of the website is to help the target users to find the information about the client and to reach out to the client effortlessly.

2. Make a responsive website that anybody can access easily with whichever device/computer they have in hand such as smart phones, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

3. The website must reflect the client's personality and his interest in Machine Learning, 3D Graphics and Management.

Target Users

This website's target users are be mostly Recruiters and also people who would like to follow the client.


I reached out to 3 recruiters. I talked to them about this project in detail. I was trying to understand what do they look for in a portfolio website.

Key Findings:
- Recruiters have time constraints. Research says, 80% of the recruiters spend less than 3 minutes on a portfolio website. So, they must be able to find relevant info quickly.
- They want info about the candidate's work experience, education and contact details.
- They don't want irrelevant info on the website.
- Downloadable resume is a good to have feature.
- They must be able to contact the candidate with ease.
- The website must be easy to use, responsible.


After collecting valuable information doing research, I created the Information Architecture Diagram.


I used Abobe XD to work on the wireframes





I thought of sharing the process of how I created the header image for the website.

I wanted the website to reflect the client's interest in Machine Learning. And, I had already worked on my color palette for the website. So, I had some idea of what I wanted to achieve.

I worked on the above image from scratch in Photoshop.

I transformed the first image that I created from scratch to this.

I combined the 2 images and created this. All this took a lot of time.
However, it was worth it.


I reached out to 3 recruiters who were willing to test the prototype and share their insight.

Usability Testing Questions that I asked with the goal to understand if I was solving the problem:

1. Do you find anything confusing or difficult to understand?
2. Are you able to find what you want?
3. If you have a matching job opening, do you think this website would motivate you to reach out to the client?
4. Is the website easy to use?
5. Is there anything else you would like to share.


POSITIVE: All the 3 participants (recruiters) found this website easy to use. No confusion. They said they will be motivated to get in touch with this person, if needed.

NEGATIVE: One recruiter said, it will be nice to have a downloadable Resume in PDF format. That will help the recruiter to save the resume and keep it on file for future references.


I presented the feedback to the client. Based on further discussions, it was decided not to include the resume on the website.

Was that ok (for me as a designer)?
Of course. Here, in this case I see the client representing the Business side with his set of Business Needs.
The recruiters are the users and they have their set of User Needs.

As I am designing this portfolio site for the Client, the client is also my user. What the user needs is my top priority always.


I developed the complete website on my own using Webflow. It was a great learning experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the process.😊

Follow the link below to view the website.




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